My name is Daniela Amazon. I'm currently based in New York City, but I grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm obsessed with photography and experiencing new cultures. My goal is to visit every continent before I turn 30.  

“Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets” 

I first picked up a camera during a graphic design internship. I realized how much I loved making images, and here I am, years later, working freelance jobs to support my addiction to travel, and sharing my adventures with the world.


This example website features work from the following photographers:

Alexander Popov 
Airam Dato On  
Andre Hunter  
Ash Edmonds
Chester Wade 
Dan Gold 
Daniel Monteiro 
Dean Bennett 

Drew Beamer    
Drew Graham
Efe Kurnaz 
Fabio Ballasina 
Finn Hackshaw  
Jack Gibson 
Laura Cleffmann 
Leodgario Pescador  

Marvin Ronsdorf 
Mike Kononov
Michael Kemp  
Moritz Mentges
Muhd Asyraaf  
Pawel Czerwinski  
Rhett Wesley  
Rhum Phan  

  Ryan Tang
Sandro Katalina
Steven Roe  
Tony Reid  
Vinicius Amnx Amano
Wes Hicks  

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